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About the GET ME HOME SAFELY app

The GET ME HOME SAFELY app, when set up properly by the user, will connect them to trusted friends and family to ensure they get home safely when they've had too much to drink.​


In the "Contacts" menu, you will input your TOP 3 trusted friends or family members who will respond to your request for a safe way home. When the app is activated, the words "GET ME HOME SAFELY" are replaced with "I'm Responsible!" and your GPS is activated to pinpoint your exact location. This location, along with a predetermined request for assistance, is then sent to your #1 Contact. If this contact accepts your request, you are notified of their location for the estimated time of arrival. If your #1 Contact declines your request or takes too long to respond, the information is passed along to your #2 Contact and then to your #3, until either someone responds or all of your Contacts are exhausted. Should no one respond to your call for assistance, the app will automatically put you in touch with your preferred taxi service to take you home.

We are partnering with M.A.D.D. to help promote awareness of the consequences of driving while impaired. Every time the GET ME HOME SAFELY app is used to arrange a safe passage home, we hope that you will use the SAY "THANKS!" button to make a small contribution to help us continue to help those who choose to be responsible.



GET ME HOME SAFELY app to launch on iTunes


The GET ME HOME SAFELY app will be available on the iPhone platform via the iTunes store in 2018.

--August 11, 2017

GET ME HOME SAFELY app to launch on Google Play


The GET ME HOME SAFELY app will be available for Android devices via the Google Play Store in 2018.

-July 13, 2017


Official GET ME HOME SAFELY app kickoff event is in the works as we look to have a simultaneous launch of the app on both iPhone and Andriod platforms. Click HERE for sponsorship inquiries.





We are proud to partner with M.A.D.D. to help further promote awareness in communities world-wide.



We welcome your company to become a partner in our effort to promote responsible drinking everywhere, every time.

Development of the GET ME HOME SAFELY app BEGINS!


Development of the GET ME HOME SAFELY app has officially begun. After a long and tedious search for the right app development team, Goldie Brown Productions, LLC has selected a developer who we believe can execute the project to perfection. Look for the beta-tested version this fall.


-July 7, 2014



We welcome your company to become a partner in our effort to promote responsible drinking everywhere, every time.

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