Coming Soon

Brewed with honor, Thin Brew Line serves an original lineup of craft beer in a taproom that salutes our first responders. Founded by former police officers and family members, blue blood runs throughout our facility and guides our community involvement. We invite you to stop by and make our brewery part of your Virginia Craft Beer experience. We will be opening later this Fall in the Oceana Crossing Shopping Center at 1375 Oceana Blvd. #124 Virginia Beach, VA 23454.
Our beer does good
Our beers are here to not only satisfy your palate, but also help the greater good. We have named several recipes in honor of different first responder groups and will donate a portion of sales to raise money for causes associated with them.
Our Dry Irish Stout is named "An Garda Síochána" after the police service of the Republic of Ireland formed on August 8, 1923 by Michael Collins and the Irish Government. This delicious Irish Stout will donate a portion of each pint sold to the Virginia Beach Police Benevolent Association Local 34.
Established in 1983, the PBA promotes a better working relationship between the police and the City of Virginia Beach. Their organization is affiliated with the International Union of Police Associations and the AFL-CIO. The PBA represent the sworn Police Officers and Detectives of the City of Virginia Beach.
About us

Phone: 757.937.8613

Our "Kölsch-9" (K-9) will donate to the Retired Police Canine Foundation. They are a non-profit charity that:
- Recruit and negotiate with veterinarians, dog food suppliers, and other service providers to provide free or
discounted services to law enforcement officers who have adopted retired dogs.
- Help pay for medical care for retired law enforcement dogs.
- Negotiate with landlords to allow handlers and their retired dogs to remain in their rental homes or apartments.
- Work to give retired law enforcement dogs the same rights as service dogs who can live anywhere with their owners
and accompany their owners into all public places.
- Raise awareness about the effectiveness of these dogs in protecting our country from terrorists and our
communities from crime.
Check them out and donate at www.policek9help.com
And try our Kölsch-9 on your next visit!
For charitable and fundraising opportunities, contact us HERE!